
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Twitter vs. Facebook

A friend of mine recently made a brave decision to quit Facebook, which made me wonder if I could do that, too. The answer no, I can't quit Facebook. At least not now. Even though my hate towards Facebook has only grown during these three years I've been on Facebook, I just can't quit, it has become too addicting for me. 

The actual topic of this blogpost is: which one is better, Twitter or Facebook? I already know the answer to that question: Twitter. This friend of mine also feels that way. Of course, you may feel differently. In fact, probably most of the people who use social media, prefer Facebook over Twitter since Facebook has 900 million active users and Twitter has only 140 million active users. But it's not the quantity, it's the quality that matters... ;) Here are the pros and cons of Twitter and Facebook:

Twitter                                                                         Facebook
+ most of your friends aren't there                          + most of your friends are there
+ you can follow almost anyone, openness         + easy way to keep in touch with your friends
+ feeling connected to the world, #trending         + feeling connected to your friends
+ easy way to get connected with your idols       + reminds you of your friends' birthdays
+ new tweets all the time                                        - confusing privacy settings
+ the latest news                                                      - friends showing off all the time
+ no ads                                                                    - you can't be friends with everyone
+ nobody notices if your tweet hasn't                   - your parents are there
been retweeted or favourited                                - more addicting
+ your parents aren't there                                    - less "friends", not much to read
+ not too addicting                                                 - ads
- Beliebers, Directioners and other fanatics            
are often trending (=very annoying)               
- you miss most of the tweets                                    
- having a conversation over some tweet                
is harder
- those you follow don't usually follow back


  1. I have a little bit more adding to your ideas girl about Facebook:

    -people snooping your life all the time;
    -people gossiping about you;
    -people hitting on you;
    -people hitting on the boy/girl you love;

    And for both of them:
    -lots of free nudity!

    Guess they can't say sex is a tabu anymore, right?

  2. I have never experienced that but you've got a good point there! Facebook, and social media in general, can be another way to bully other people just like you said. Besides that, it's very awkward when people stop being friends on Facebook. On Twitter you don't have the same problem. But yes, it is very awkward when porn stars start to follow you on Twitter... :D
