
Friday, April 27, 2012

Movie Project

This movie project of mine started when I got the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die on my hands. Watching 1001 movies is a big project for anyone but I accepted the challenge with a belief that eventually I have crossed every single movie in that book. So far I'm doing pretty good: I've seen almost 1/10 of the movies, altogether 97 movies. Most of them I had seen before getting the book but I have also crossed approximately 10 new movies from the list during these past few months. With this pace it should take 23 years to watch rest of the movies!

Luckily, one TV channel in Finland shows these very old silent movies every Sunday so that is how I have seen Strike (1925) and Battleship Potemkin (1925). They are both directed by Sergei M. Eisenstein, a great Russian movie director in the silent film period. Those two films were very similar to each other, both showing an unidentified group of people that starts to resist those who mistreat them. These two movies are something very different from what I have gotten used to when watching movies. Therefore I don't think that I can really appreciate them as much as they should be appreciated. But they are both interesting movies that create a whole new movie experience for you ;)

Another movie that I'd like to mention is The Green Mile (1999). I really fell in love with this movie. If you don't mind crying like a baby by the end of the movie, this movie could be for you. 

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